The way I apporach healing is through a healthy balance of intuition and experience.
By allowing intuition to play its part, I am simply tapping into universal wisdom. This limitless and ever abundant spring is readily available to each one of us when we take the time to pause, quieten our mind chatter, and listen to the whisper of our soul. It knows where we are, why things are happening in our life the way they are, where we are going, what we are trying to learn, how to tune into our deeper sense of direction.
Sometimes, if we are off course and we are not listening to the whisper, our soul needs to dial up the message and bring us to a place where we notice the imbalance in our system. And this can bring discomfort, a series of surprising and disrupting life events or even disease.
This is when we usually meet and when the need for clarity is being felt. Various questions arise:
Together we can find our way through these questions and restore a sense of harmony in the various levels of our being. We will aim at re-tuning the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical levels. I intentionally name the physical last, because in my experience this is the last one to go back to a state of health. Only when we have deciphered the message of our soul and addressed what is needed can we actually restore our deep natural state of harmony.
I invite you to journey with me and experience the miracle of life and the renewal of your own perfect state of harmony, peace, relaxation and openess. During this adventure, I may use elements or the totality of the systems described below, and many others, as guided by my experience and intuition.
A typical session may look like this::